
There are three types of activities you can perform with the the family of projects powered by sbt-ethereum:

  1. Use eth-command-line to interact with the ethereum blockchain, and to create and manage ethereum wallets and keys. eth-command-line is just a basic sbt-ethereum project, predefined for your convenience.
  2. Define custom sbt-ethereum projects to develop and deploy smart contracts in solidity, using sbt as a build tool. Within these projects, you will continue to have access to all of the functionality of eth-command-line.
  3. Define custom sbt-ethereum projects to build and run Scala applications that interact with ethereum smart contracts, which may be preexisting and already deployed on the blockchain, or which you may develop yourself in solidty within the same project. This is particularly useful when integrating ethereum applications into existing infrastructure.

All projects based on sbt-ethereum, including eth-command-line, share a common database on the local machine, so they all have equal access to the Ethereum wallets you create and the contract ABIs you define or import. When you deploy your smart contracts using sbt-ethereum, their ABIs and other meta-information will be added to the local machine's database, and a permanent local record will exist of all the contracts you work.


  1. A Java 8 runtime environment (we have not tested Java 9 yet). If your machine does not already have one installed, you can download a Java Runtime Environment or a full Java Development Kit.
  2. Optional: git client. This documentation assumes the standard git command-line client, but you can use a gui-based git client if you prefer.

Quick Start

  1. You can use git or download a zip file to obtain eth-command-line.

    a. To use the git command line, type:

    $ git clone [email protected]:swaldman/eth-command-line.git

    b. If you download the zip file containing the eth-command-line project, extract it and rename it to eth-command-line :

    $ wget -O eth-command-line.zip https://github.com/swaldman/eth-command-line/archive/master.zip
    $ unzip eth-command-line
    $ mv eth-command-line-master eth-command-line
  2. Move to the eth-command-line directory that was just created.

    $ cd eth-command-line
  3. Execute ./eth-command-line. The first time you do this, many dependencies be downloaded. At a minimum you will see something like the following output. Don't be concerned if you see lots of other warnings. sbt-ethereum is based on sbt, which complains a lot. Maybe it should to go to digital boot camp in order to improve its attitude.
    $ ./eth-command-line 
    [info] Loading global plugins from /home/smiley/.sbt/0.13/plugins
    [info] Loading project definition from /home/smiley/eth-command-line/project
    23:28:14.283 [MLog-Init-Reporter] INFO  com.mchange.v2.log.MLog - MLog clients using slf4j logging.
    [info] Set current project to eth-command-line (in build file:/home/smiley/eth-command-line/)
    23:28:16.775 [pool-8-thread-1] INFO  org.eclipse.jetty.util.log - Logging initialized @6904ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
    [info] Updating available solidity compiler set.
    eth-command-line ~>
    If you already have sbt installed in your machine, you can run SBT. For most users, simply type sbt. from within the eth-command-line directory instead of ./eth-command-line. (The eth-command-line script is just an sbt launcher.)
  4. When you see the eth-command-line prompt (eth-command-line ~>) you can begin typing sbt-ethereum commands. (These are actually as sbt tasks.) To see a list of all eth-command-line's tasks and settings, type eth<tab> and xeth<tab>.
  5. Before you can run tasks that require the payment of Ether, such as sending Ether (ethTransactionSend) or invoking state-changing smart-contract functions (ethTransactionInvoke), you will need to first define the ethereum address from which the operation will originate. You can create a new address using the ethKeystoreWalletV3Create task.

    eth on master in eth-command-line> ethKeystoreWalletV3Create
    [info] Generated keypair for address '0xc33071ead8753b04e0ee108cc168f2b22f93525d'
    [info] Generating V3 wallet, alogorithm=scrypt, n=262144, r=8, p=1, dklen=32
    Enter passphrase for new wallet: *******************
    Please retype to confirm: *******************
    [success] Total time: 31 s, completed Dec 30, 2016 7:53:11 AM

    ethKeystoreWalletV3Create is an annoyingly long command to type. Don't type it. Type ethK<tab>, which will expand to ethKeystore then C<tab>, which will expans to ethKeystoreWalletV3Create.

    You can also import any existing geth wallets into the sbt-ethereum repository directory. Just copy the wallet files for the accounts you wish to import from the geth keystore into the sbt-ethereum keystore directory. The geth keystore directory is ~/.ethereum/keystore on Linux/UNIX, ~/Library/Ethereum/keystore on Mac, $APPDATA\ethereum on Windows. The sbt-ethereum keystore directory is ~/.sbt-ethereum/keystore on Linux/UNIX, ~/Library/sbt-ethereum/keystore on Mac, $APPDATA\sbt-ethereum on Windows.

    Be sure to back up your sbt-ethereum keystore directory to avoid losing your wallets and accounts!

  6. Once you have a generated or imported a wallet and transferred some Ether to it, you can make it the default sender for your interactions with the blockchain by setting a special alias, defaultSender:
    eth-command-line ~> ethAddressAliasSet defaultSender 0xe92db74ce7c392634a1d9af344aeeb4a5f1e0a78
    [info] Alias 'defaultSender' now points to address 'e92db74ce7c392634a1d9af344aeeb4a5f1e0a78' (for blockchain 'mainnet').
    [info] Refreshing alias cache.
    [success] Total time: 0 s, completed Oct 25, 2017 11:41:40 PM
    Remember to replace the hex string above with your own Ethereum address!

Choosing an Ethereum Node

sbt-ethereum is preconfigured to check to see if two environment variables are defined. If they have values, those values are used to specify the Ethereum node that sbt-ethereum connects to. Otherwise, our public Ethereum node is used as a default.

Using One of Infuria's Ethereum Nodes

To configure eth-command-line / sbt-ethereum to work with Infura's Ethereum nodes, obtain a token from infura.io and store it in an environment variable called ETH_INFURA_TOKEN. You might want to set the environment variable in ~/.bashrc, ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile.

export ETH_INFURA_TOKEN="blahblahblah"

The next time you start eth-command-line, or any program that shares a similar SBT build configuration, they will notice the token and automatically use it to connect with an Infura Ethereum node.

Using Any Arbitrary Ethereum Node

sbt-ethereum can work with any Ethereum node. If no environment variable called ETH_INFURA_TOKEN is defined, the eth-command-line build configuration checks for an environment variable called ETH_DEFAULT_NODE. If it is defined, its value is used verbatim to define the Ethereum node to connect to. When you are ready to run your own node and sync it to the blockchain, you should store your node's URL in ETH_DEFAULT_NODE, like this:

export ETH_DEFAULT_NODE="http://mynode.domain.com:8545/"

If you have defined your own custom sbt-ethereum project, you can also define the setting ethcfgJsonRpcUrl in your build.sbt file.

ethcfgJsonRpcUrl := "http://mynode.domain.com:8545/"

Using the Default Ethereum Node

If neither the environment variable called ETH_INFURA_TOKEN nor the environment variable called ETH_DEFAULT_NODE are defined, the default Ethereum node is used, http://ethjsonrpc.mchange.com:8545/.

Custom Projects

Before you begin a custom project, you will need to define a project directory with a build.sbt file and a special directory structure. If you already have sbt downloaded and installed, you can type

$ sbt new swaldman/solidity-seed.g8

and then follow the prompts. Just hit return to use the default value.

A minimal solidity project for sbt-ethereum 

name [my-solidity-project]: hyperdemocracy
version [0.0.1-SNAPSHOT]: 
sbt_ethereum_version [0.0.2-SNAPSHOT]: 
sbt_version [0.13.16]: 

Template applied in ./hyperdemocracy

Inside the newly created hyperdemocracy directory you will find a build.sbt file, and a directory called src/maim/solidity. The smart contracts you will wish to compile and deploy should be saved in this directory.

If you wish to integrate new or already-deployed smart contracts with Scala applications, use

$ sbt new swaldman/solidity-scala-seed.g8
[info] Loading global plugins from /home/smiley/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Loading project definition from /home/smiley/tmp/project
[info] Set current project to tmp (in build file:/home/smiley/tmp/)

A mixed solidity / scala project for sbt-ethereum 

name [my-scala-solidity-project]: hyperdemocracy
organization [eth.anyone]: org.hyperdemocracy           
package [org.hyperdemocracy]: org.hyperdemocracy.voting
scala_stubs_package [org.hyperdemocracy.voting.contract]: 
scala_version [2.11.11]: 
version [0.0.1-SNAPSHOT]: 
sbt_ethereum_version [0.0.2-SNAPSHOT]: 
consuela_version [0.0.3-SNAPSHOT]: 
sbt_version [0.13.15]: 

Template applied in ./hyperdemocracy

You'll find a src/main/scala directory defined, containing an org/hyperdemocracy/voting subdirectory for your scala application, in addition to src/main/solidity.

You will also find a src/test/scala directory defined with a parallel package directory hierarchy.

Finally, you will find a src/ethabi directory, where you can put files conatining Ethereum JSON ABI of smart contracts for which you would like Scala stubs to be generated. Your Scala application can use these stubs to interact with existing smart contracts.

Introduction to Tasks and Settings

From the top-level directory of any SBT project based on sbt-ethereum, start SBT:

$ sbt
[info] Loading global plugins from /home/mslinn/.sbt/0.13/plugins
[info] Loading project definition from /mnt/_/work/eth-command-line/project
12:10:24.290 [MLog-Init-Reporter] INFO  com.mchange.v2.log.MLog - MLog clients using slf4j logging.
[info] Set current project to sbt-ethereum-template (in build file:/mnt/_/work/eth-command-line/)
2017-10-24 12:10:25.833:INFO::pool-8-thread-1: Logging initialized @5415ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.StdErrLog
[info] Updating available solidity compiler set.

All of the sbt-ethereum SBT tasks and settings are prefaced with eth or xeth. Tab completion is supported. Try typing eth<tab>, and you will see all the SBT tasks and settings that sbt-ethereum defines with that prefix:

> eth
ethContractAbiForget                   ethContractAbiList                     ethContractAbiMemorize                 ethAddressAliasDrop                   ethAddressAliasList                   ethAddressAliasSet                    ethAddressBalance                     ethAddressBalanceInWei                
ethcfgBlockchainId                ethContractCompilationsCull            ethContractCompilationsInspect         ethContractCompilationsList            ethContractSpawnAuto                  ethcfgAutoSpawnContracts         ethContractSpawnOnly                  ethcfgEntropySource               
ethcfgGasLimitMarkup                   ethGasPriceMarkup              ethcfgIncludeLocations            ethInvokeConstant              ethTransactionInvoke           ethcfgJsonRpcUrl                  ethcfgKeystoreAutoRelockSeconds   ethKeystoreWalletV3Create      
ethKeystoreWalletV3Inspect     ethKeystoreList                etcfghKeystoreLocatiosV3         ethKeystoreWalletV3Memorize    ethKeystorePrivateKeyReveal    ethKeystoreWalletV3Validate    ethcfgNetcompileUrl               ethcfgScalaStubsPackage           
ethAddressPing                    ethTransactionSend                   ethcfgSender                      ethcfgSenderOverrideDrop          ethcfgSenderOverrideSet           ethcfgSenderOverrideShow          ethSolidityCompilerSelect      ethSolidityCompile             
ethSolidityDestination         ethSolidityCompilerInstall     ethSolidityCompilerPrint        ethSoliditySource              ethTargetDir                   ethDebugTestrpcLocalRestart         ethDebugTestrpcLocalStart           ethDebugTestrpcLocalStop            
> eth

Similarly, typing xeth<tab> shows all the SBT tasks and settings that sbt-ethereum defines with that prefix:

> xeth
xethDefaultGasPrice                        xethcfgEphemeralBlockchains                   xethFindCacheAliasesIfAvailable            xethFindCacheOmitDupsCurrentCompilations   xethFindCacheSessionSolidityCompilerKeys   
xethFindCurrentSender                      xethFindCurrentSolidityCompiler            xethGasOverrideDrop                        xethGasOverrideSet                         xethGasOverrideShow                        
xethGasPrice                               xethGasPriceOverrideDrop                   xethGasPriceOverrideSet                    xethGasPriceOverrideShow                   xethGenKeyPair                             
xethGenScalaStubsAndTestingResources       xethInvokeData                             xethKeystoreWalletV3CreatePbkdf2           xethKeystoreWalletV3CreateScrypt           xethLoadAbiFor                             
xethLoadCompilationsKeepDups               xethLoadCompilationsOmitDups               xethLoadWalletV3                           xethLoadWalletV3For                        xethcfgNamedAbiSource                         
xethNamedAbis                              xethNextNonce                              xethQueryRepositoryDatabase                xethcfgTestingResourcesObjectName             xethTriggerDirtyAliasCache                 
xethTriggerDirtySolidityCompilerList       xethUpdateContractDatabase                 xethUpdateRepositoryDatabase               xethUpdateSessionSolidityCompilers         xethcfgWalletV3Pbkdf2C                        
xethcfgWalletV3Pbkdf2DkLen                    xethcfgWalletV3ScryptDkLen                    xethcfgWalletV3ScryptN                        xethcfgWalletV3ScryptP                        xethcfgWalletV3ScryptR                        
> xeth

All of the SBT tasks are described individually.

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